Fabulous Fords Forever 2019
At Los Angeles Angels Stadium in Anaheim
* Registration for the 2019 show will open in January 2019.
* Bring your Saleen — no matter its condition — to the largest non-judged show of its kind in the world!
* Pre-Register — you can do so online or download a form at fabulousfordsforever.org
You can help with goody bag stuffing in the morning — more information to come. A complimentary lunch will be served to volunteers.
Club Members: Join us for a members-only dinner event — RSVP Required for each person in your party — Send an email to jimd@soec.org for more info. Casual attire, pay-your-own meal and expect to pay $12-20-plus for your meal per person. Space is limited, and spouses (or significant others) and family are welcome. We expect a group of about 50 people. More info to be announced.

We could use some volunteers to help with parking to arrive at 5:30 a.m. Please text Jim D. at 714-580-3572 with your name and who will be coming into the gate with you. You must have your vehicle registered for the event to drive in; otherwise you will have to park in the spectator lot.
We’ll do an early morning cruise to Angels Stadium (see lower map below) — Steve and Molly are expected to attend — unsure if they’ll do the cruise, but if you want to cruise to Angels Stadium, meet at Saleen at 7:45 a.m.; planned departure by 8:00 a.m. Everyone’s invited. You must be pre-registered for the show and have your confirmation card hanging from your rear view mirror as you enter the Stadium gate.
We might need additional helpers starting at 7:00 a.m., so if you arrive early, please let Jim D. know you can help and we’ll give you a vest or a task to help with.
After the event, a group of us will have an early dinner (often we dine with Liz and Steve) before hitting the road. Again, text Jim D. to be put in the loop on that.
Los Angeles Angels Stadium in Anaheim
More information on Sunday’s event itself and Facebook links at:
* http://fabulousfordsforever.org
* https://www.facebook.com/FabulousFordsForever