Price: $665.00
Year: 1985
Condition: New
For Sale By: Private Seller
eBay #: 173643447341
Price: $700.00
Year: 1986
Condition: New other
For Sale By: Private Seller
eBay #: 173644573689
Most folks in our hobby are aware of the exclusivity of Saleen production vehicles. Rare and uncommon sights throughout daily life. What some may not realize are how the vehicle assets and “extra” items are rarer than the physical automobile.
Case in point are the early Saleen Mustang Owners Jackets. These jackets were issued to new owners after they returned their survey card to Saleen Autosport regarding their new vehicle purchase.
Why are the jackets uncommon? Any number of reasons may apply. Maybe they were a high-wear item. Maybe the jacket was kept as a souvenir. Or maybe new owners simply did not fill out the customer survey.
In today’s world it makes finding an original jacket no easy task for the owner or enthusiast. -DB